Sunday 2 June 2013

Lord Vile - PATHETIC!

Sorry guys! haven't been posting much stories. You see I had to go to me Grandmas as my mam was giving birth to my little bro! Here's the story!

Lord Vile swirled in the air and thought about what the Unnamed had said. 
"Kill you son!"
The voice haunted him every time he closed his eyes.
Should he kill him, and if he didn't he would have a fight and it would probably end up destroying the world.
What was he doing!
This was not like Lord Vile.He had destroyed armies with a swipe of his hand and he was pondering over whether to kill one person. It was PATHETIC! Of course he would kill his son. He was a killer.
Dynasty Maguire would soon he dead, he said to himself.

1 comment:

  1. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!

    ... well We'll have to see what happens but till then I will be waiting anxiously!!!
    *Sits on the edge of the chair and stares at the screen*
